Apple-cinnamon Finger Sandwiches
From Mr. Food
Platter These up With Two or Three Other Kinds of Finger Sandwiches And Let The Part Begin!
Makes 4 Dozen
- 8 Oz. Pkg. cream cheese, Softened
- 1/4 C. apple butter
- 1 Tbsp. Mayonnaise
- 1/4 T. Ground cinnamon
- 12 Slices cinnamon-raisin bread
in a Medium-Sized Bowl, Combine The cream cheese, apple butter, Mayonnaise And cinnamon; Mix Until Smooth.
Spread Equal Amounts of The Mixture Evenly Over The bread Slices. Cut Into Squares And Serve Immediately, or Cover And Chill Until Ready to Serve.
Note: For an Added Touch of Sweetness, Sprinkle The Tops of The Squares With a Mixture of cinnamon And sugar Just Before Serving.