Recipes Wiki
Recipes Wiki




Heat butter in a small non-stick skillet, then in arrowroot. Gradually add milk, cook stirring until sauce thickens. Stir in salt & pepper. Variations: thicker sauce...add more butter and more arrowroot for each cup of milk. Cheese sauce: add ΒΌ cup shredded low-fat Cheese to hot sauce; cook, stirring, until melted. White sauce food exchanges & food values: food exchange per serving: 1 milk exchage + Β½ fat excahnge calories: 108; cho: 5 mg; car: 9g; pro: 137; sod: 137 mg; fat: 3g; Cheese sauce food exchanges & food values: food exchange per serving: 1 milk exchange + Β½ fat excahnge calories: 108 cho: 11 mg; car: 10g; pro: 7g; sod: 291; fat: 5g; light & easy diabetes cuisine by betty marks

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