- In a small mixing bowl mix eggs with the water and salt.
- Beat well.
- Put the flour in a large mixing bowl and add the egg mixture a little at a time.
- Blend the dough with your hands in a rubbing motion as though you were washing your hands with the palms open.
- The mix should become uneven little pieces of dough the size of dried peas.
- Break up any that look large.
- The mix should be somewhat uniform.
- Spread out a tablecloth on a table and spread the tarhonya on it in a thin layer so that all the pieces are exposed to the air.
- Let dry until very hard, this will take 3 or 4 days.
- While the mix is drying, roll your fingers through to mix it up so all sides are exposed to air.
- When you are sure that the mix has dried hard, store in a container.