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Source: Holy Sweet! - Peabody Johnson

I had wondered for years what would happen if I melted ice cream and turned it into caramels - and one day I did it. It took a lot of tries. A lot. Caramels are already buttery, so making butter pecan caramels just made sense. The key is to make sure you get a premium ice cream - one where cream is listed as the first ingredient. With this recipe, I will just say: Be patient. This one is hard for people. Candy making takes time. I taught junior high school for years, so I have a lot of patience.



  1. Line an 8 x 8-inch (20 x 20-cm) pan with parchment paper and spray it with nonstick baking spray.
  2. In a 2-cup (480-ml) glass measuring cup, add the cream, melted ice cream, butter, and salt.
  3. Microwave in 30-second pulses until everything is melted and steaming.
  4. Set aside.
  5. In a 2-quart (2-L) saucepan (seriously, don't use a smaller one - it boils up and it's not fun to clean up), add the sugar, Lyle's Golden Syrup and water.
  6. Turn the heat to high and cook without stirring until it reaches 290 to 295°F (143 to 146°C).
  7. Turn the heat off.
  8. Slowly pour in the cream mixture in a steady steam and whisk gently.
  9. Turn the heat back to high and cook without stirring until it reaches 250°F (120°C).
  10. Turn off the heat, add the vanilla and fold in the pecan pieces.
  11. Whisk gently to combine.
  12. Immediately pour the mixture into the prepared pan; do not scrape the bottom of the pot.
  13. Let the caramel sit at room temperature for a few hours, or overnight.
  14. Don't try to rush the process by putting it in the fridge or the caramel will crystalize and not have the desired texture.
  15. When it has firmed up, slice the caramel into the shapes you like and wrap each piece individually in wax paper.

Yield: Makes about 32
