Spinach Pie
- 1 cup oil, preferably olive oil
- 1½ packets (or about 30) pastry leaves (filo dough)
- 1½ pounds spinach, chopped
- 1 cup diced feta cheese
- ½ cup chopped green onions
- 2 eggs
- salt, half teaspoon
- Brush the baking pan with some of the oil, and start laying the pastry leaves inside.
- First, lay two leaves, sprinkle or brush with oil, then lay two other leaves, and repeat the procedure until half of the leaves are laid.
- Make sure that they cover the pan by hanging them about one inch over the edges of the pan.
- Sprinkle spinach with salt, then mix well by hand.
- Add the feta cheese, oil, onions, eggs and salt, and spread this mixture over the already laid pastry leaves.
- Finish by covering the spinach with the rest of the pastry leaves repeating the first-half procedure and then roll the hanging edges of the bottom leaves over the pie (think of a pizza crust), sprinkle top with oil and bake moderately at 350°F for about 45 minutes, or until golden brown.
- Serve hot, accompanied with buttermilk, or beaten yogurt, thinned down in cold water or with chilled stewed prunes.
- Sometimes a green salad adds to the meal!