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About Cantal[]

Wikipedia Article About Cantal on Wikipedia

Cantal cheese is a firm cheese from the Cantal region of France. It is named after the Cantal mountains in the Auvergne region.

One of the oldest cheeses in France, Cantal dates back to the times of the Gauls. It came to prominence when Maréchal de Sennecterre served it at the table of Louis XIV of France. Maréchal de Sennecterre is also responsible for the introduction of Saint-Nectaire and Salers.

There are two types of Cantal cheese. Cantal Fermier is a farmhouse cheese made of raw milk. Cantal Laitier is the commercial, mass-produced version. Cantal is shaped like a cylinder, and is one foot in diameter. Cantal is made from pasteurized cow's milk. This semi-hard cheese is aged for three months. The form is massive, and the cheese has a soft interior. Its flavor, which is somewhat reminiscent of cheddar, is a strong, tangy butter taste and grows with age. A well ripened Cantal has a vigorous taste, while a young cheese has the sweetness of raw milk. Its smell is of earth and pasture lands, and is reminiscent of the rich pasture land of the Auvergne region it originates from.

Cantal cheese has a fat content of 45%. It is used in soups, salads, cheese fondue and gratins.

Cantal Recipes[]
