When preparing cardoons for cooking, wear utility gloves to avoid staining your hands.
Prepare a large bowl with enough water to soak the cardoons after they are trimmed, add to it 1 full tablespoon of salt and the juice of a lemon to prevent discoloration.
Cut and discard about 1 inch from the top and trim the base far up enough so that the stalks can be easily separated.
Using a potato peeler, remove the strings from the stalks, cut cardoons across into 2 inches pieces and place in the basin with the acidulated and salted water.
Drain and rinse the cardoons.
Place them in a large pot, add 1 and ½ tablespoons of salt cover with cold water 2 inches above the cardoons and bring to a boil.
Lower heat and simmer uncovered.
After 45 minutes check if they are tender or cook for an additional 15 minutes to ½ hour until they are ready.
Place the cardoons in a colander to drain and cool.
Shake a few times to eliminate excess water.
Preparing the Salad[]
Blend together olive oil, vinegar, sugar and pepper.
Set aside.
Arrange the cardoons in a serving dish and taste for salt, add if needed.
Drizzle the dressing over the cardoons.
Garnish with parsley and serve at room temperature.