Browse All Bolivian Recipes: Bolivian Appetizers | Bolivian Beverages | Bolivian Soups | Bolivian Salads | Bolivian Vegetarian | Bolivian Meat Dishes | Bolivian Snacks | Bolivian Desserts
It is a known fact that the Bolivians use many spices in their foods. Also, it is known that generally, the appetizers have a very important role, during a meal. They are used to enhance the appetite through their salty, spicy or astringent taste. The most popular Bolivian appetizer is Salteñas, which is the name given to savory pastries. These are filled with either chicken, vegetables or beef. Other appetizers that are typical fof the Bolivian cuisine are empanadas, quesadillas, corn and cheese humintas, cunapes. The corn is cropped on large areas in Bolivia and therefore it is one of the most frequently used ingredients in the traditional cuisine. It is, hence, used in many appetizer recipes, too.
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