Browse All Bolivian Recipes: Bolivian Appetizers | Bolivian Beverages | Bolivian Soups | Bolivian Salads | Bolivian Vegetarian | Bolivian Meat Dishes | Bolivian Snacks | Bolivian Desserts
The Bolivian cuisine almost lacks for the vegetarian recipes. Although red meat and the dairy products might be dangerous for one's health, turning to a vegetarian diet in Bolivia is certainly not indicated. The meat dishes, through their consistency, help the Bolivians and the tourists to better accomodate to the harsh climatic conditions. However, there are a few recipes based entirely on ingredients that have a non-animal provenience. The soups, pasta, beans and chips will fit the basic needs of every vegetarian. If more complex vegetarian foods are wanted, then people should try the restaurants from the major cities. Most of them contain in their menus vegetarian dishes.
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