Shrimp is a very common Cambodian ingredient, together with other sea food delicacies. A Cambodian meal usually includes soup (samla), served at the same time as the other dishes. Fish is a major part of the Cambodian cuisine and grilled fish is a local specialty. Fish in cut up into pieces, rolled in a lettuce and dipped into fish sauce and it is often served with other types of Cambodian salads. The diversity of spices is huge and you can expect to find herbs and spices like cilantro, mint leaves and lemon thyme in even the simplest Cambodian dishes. The French influence can be found in the bread that Cambodian chefs prepare, but also in the fact that frog legs are considered a delicacy. The regional setting of Cambodian also influenced the evolution of the Cambodian cuisine. Since more than two thirds of the cultivated land hold rice plantations, it’s only natural that this is the most popular ingredient in almost all Cambodian dishes. Although similar in many ways to other Asian rice coking methods, Cambodian rice cooking is quite superficial and the rice is often served after only a quick dip in heated water. Sauces and meat are always skillfully blended with the basic rice and the use of herbs and flavored spices makes each rice meal taste like a whole new dish.
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