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Recipes Wiki

see also Main Dish Recipes at the Colombian Recipes Wiki

The empanadas, which are also famous in Argentina, are really unique in Colombia. These are prepared in various styles, but the empanadas paisas, also called meat-filled turnovers contain 2 kinds of meat: pork and beef which is sweetened with brown sugar. Beef is also the base for the carne con polvo, simply named ground beef. The beef, which is marinated and then cut in chinks is mixed with garlic, onion, chopped tomatoes and fried in vegetable oil. The meat dishes are usually served with rice or beans. Flank steak is very much consumed, in foods like carne desmecha (fatless meat with onions and tomatoes) or sobrebarriga (marinated fatless meat boiled in beer). Mexican meat dishes are also traditional in the Colombian cuisine: lime chicken soft tacos, which have a filling of vinegar, sugar, onion, oregano and spices, for the green, or turkey burgers and the festive roasted turkey.

Here are some great Colombian meat dishes you can make at home:

All items (11)
