Browse All Ghanaian Recipes: Ghanaian Appetizers | Ghanaian Soups | Ghanaian Salads | Ghanaian Vegetarian | Ghanaian Meat Dishes | Ghanaian Snacks | Ghanaian Desserts
Ghanaian appetizers usually include baked chips,
fried chips,
plantain chips(both ripe and unripe) sprinkled with salt,
boiled eggs with pepper and onions,
bo-frot aka puff-puff,
sausage khebabs,
goat khebabs,
atsomo- chin-chin in other places is made with coconut flour, flour, sugar, baking soda, egg, salt and nutmeg,
coated groundnuts aka peanuts,
kelewele- spiced fried ripened plantain, l
ight chicken soup,
nkatie cake aka peanut brittle-made from groundnut and caramel (a mixture of water and sugar put on the fire to get a brown shade,
condensed milk toffee,
roasted plantain and groundnut,
Dzowoe-spicy and sweet snack made from Peanuts
All items (11)