High Fiber Diets
- A high fiber diet is composed out of dietary fibers taken from plants, with the purpose of relieving body problems, especially the ones that attack the large intestine (or colon). Usually a high fiber diet consists of plants that contain cellulose, hemicellulose, polysaccharides, pectins, gums, mucilages or lignins, which are all dietary fibers, that cannot be digested by the human body, therefore correcting digestive disorders.
- High Fiber diets are usually used in relieving symptoms of diseases, prevention or treatment of divericular problems, hemorrhoids, constipation, diarrhea, colon cancer, Crohn’s Disease, hypercholesterolemia, obesity or irritable bowels. Fibers also strengthen your body and digestive system, keeping it functioning normally.
- Scientist that have analyzed the processes taking place when following a high fiber diet, have noticed that these indigestible fibers’ main role in keeping your body healthy, is that of expanding the inside walls of the colon, thus easing the passage for waste. By eliminating waste from your body quicker, harmful substances don’t have enough time to enter the body and cause discomforts.
- Because these fibers help relieve the colon from it’s pressure, the digestive tract is also protected thus avoiding or even stopping and reversing some really uncomfortable diseases. For example by helping the colon in the elimination of wastes, the fibers help avoid constipation or diarrhea, which in turn could have caused your colon to irritate, or it could even produce hemorrhoids. It appears that the same problems could cause colon cancer, therefore this is yet another thing that a high fiber diet will help you with.
- In addition to colon related diseases and discomforts, it seems a high fiber diet also helps in the treatment of diabetes and elevated cholesterol. This makes the high fiber diet more and more popular amongst people who want to avoid a wide array of problems with a simple, easily controllable eating habit.
- Some of the foods that include fibers are wheat, rye, bran and other grains (for insoluble fibers) and oatmeal, fruit, barley and legumes (soluble fiber). Whilst insoluble fibers have the benefit of being a better food source for the beneficial colon bacteria (which might produce intestinal gases and other discomforts), soluble fibers bind up cholesterol allowing it to be eliminated with the other wastes. It can lower bad cholesterol levels with as much as 15 percent.
- So if you’re trying to avoid or treat problems to your digestive system and especially your colon, a high fiber diet is exactly what you need. Take into consideration that fibers can be used in combination with other diets like vegetarian, or weight-losing diets and compensate any discomforts that are caused by these regimes.
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