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The Cucumber Zucchini Salad is made of two medium sliced cucumbers, two raw zucchini, white vinegar, sugar, hot water, salt, fresh ground black pepper, crushed red pepper and fish meat. Two cups of white vinegar are blended with four tablespoons of sugar dissolved in one cup of hot water with salt, black pepper and red pepper. The water needs to be drained from the cucumbers. The vegetables have to marinate in the dressing for about two hours. The Cabbage and Pineapple Salad is made of cabbage, celery, green peppers, tomatoes, fresh pineapple, salt, grated pepper, salad herbs, yogurt, sour cream and milk. The salad is garnished with parsley or watercress. The Cucumber Boat Stuffed with Flaked Fish Salad is made of four cucumbers, two cups of cold flaked fish, celery, sour cream, lemon juice, sugar, lettuce, cheese and garnished with tomato slices or fresh parsley springs. The Ivorian Coast cuisine comprises a variety of delicious fresh fruit salads. Some of these fruit salads are prepared with tuna meat, shrimps, or even chicken. The yogurt and sour cream are used in preparing the dressing. Oil is seldom used in preparing the Ivory Coast salads.
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