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In the cuisine of Pakistan there are abundant vegetable dishes. As Pakistan’s primary sector is agriculture, therefore it is not surprising to find rice, wheat and a variety of vegetables being the main part of the Pakistani diet. Particularly all dishes from rice and vegetables are seasoned with karri, which a mixture of spices including such obligatory components as powder is made of boiled and dried roots of turmeric, red chili pepper or cayenne pepper, seeds of fenugreek and coriander. Besides this zeera or the India caraway seeds, black pepper and garlic, ginger and saffron can be added to make a scrumptious vegetable dish. Recipes of the most refined vegetable dishes from Pakistan also contain cloves, cardamom, cinnamon and nutmeg to make the dish more oriental. Many of the dishes that you find with regard to vegetables in the cuisine of Pakistan also use meat in them, as Pakistani’s are meat lovers. Some of the desserts that you find in the cuisine of Pakistan are also made from some unique vegetables such as carrots, turnips, pumpkins etc.
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