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They are also really good in a hot Portuguese roll (Pop seco) with butter.

  • Contributed by World Recipes Y-Group
  • This Y-group is international. Good food from all parts of the world. A place where we can share the wonderful food from all over the world.

    Chorizo Omelet



  1. Fry the chorizo up in butter.
  2. In a large bowl, add 3 eggs.
  3. Beat 3 eggs with a fork and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Beat until the eggs can pass through the fork without sticking to it.
  5. Melt the fat or butter in a hot frying pan. Pour on the eggs.
  6. Stir with a fork, at the same time shaking the pan, until the eggs start to set, carefully lifting the edges of the omelet to allow the uncooked portion to run underneath to be cooked. Add the fried chorizo.
  7. When the eggs are set, fold over and cook until eggs are cooked through. Serve warm and plain over white rice.



How to Make the Chorizo Omelet
