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Little pinched dumplings



  1. Make a hard dough by kneading the ½ cup flour and egg for about 5 minutes.
  2. Let the dough rest for 15 minutes.
  3. Cut the dough into 6 pieces and roll each to finger thickness.
  4. You will get about a 6 inch length.
  5. Bring 4 quarts of water with 1 tablespoon salt to a boil.
  6. Sprinkle a little flour on the dough and pinch off little pieces.
  7. Drop them into the boiling water.
  8. Use thumb and index fingers to pinch of the pieces.
  9. Boil the dumplings till they come to the surface then sample one to make sure it's cooked through.
  10. You may drop the csipetke directly into goulash soup bean soup or any other soup you use it for.