Serve and eat this delicious Irish vegetarian dish with rice and yoghurt, or with fresh tomato sauce.
- 225 g nuts (hazel, Brazil or walnuts), finely chopped
- 225 g tomatoes, peeled and chopped
- 2 medium onions, finely chopped
- 1 medium green pepper, finely chopped
- 75 g wholemeal breadcrumbs
- 1 clove garlic, crushed
- 1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs
- 1 tablespoon mild curry powder
- 1 egg, beaten
- salt and pepper to taste
- cooking oil
Fry Onion and pepper for 10 minutes or until they are soft. In a large bowl, combine nuts, breadcrumbs, garlic, herbs, curry powder and seasoning. Mix well. Add onions, pepper and tomatoes. Add beaten egg and bind mixture. Put mixture in a greased loaf tin and back at 220 °C for 40 minutes.