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Yellow split peas


Name Variations[]

  • दाल transliterated as dal or daal
  • धाल transliterated as dhal, dhaal, or incorrectly as dahl etc.

About Dal[]

Wikipedia Article About Dal on Wikipedia

Dal is a term common to many South Asian languages referring to pulses stripped of their outer hulls and split, as well as the soup or porridge-like preparation with spices such as turmeric and cumin that is a mainstay of northern Indian cuisine. This preparations virtually always accompanies boiled rice or (usually unleavened) bread. Dal's South Indian counterpart is called sambar, incorporating tomatoes and other vegetables, tamarind and a somewhat different spicing scheme especially using curry leaves (Murraya koenigii).

Hulling pulses improves digestibility and palatability at a cost of some nutritional value and fiber content, not unlike that suffered in the milling of whole grains into refined grains.

Kinds of dal[]

Dal Recipes[]

Domestic substitutes for imported dal[]
