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Apricot, fresh and dried

Name Variations[]

About Dried apricot[]

Wikipedia Article About Dried apricot on Wikipedia

Turkey provides 85 percent of the world's dried apricot and apricot kernels today (concentrated around the city of Malatya). Most U.S. production is in California with some in Oregon and Utah. The production and packing industry in California have a heavy Armenian presence.

The nutrients (e.g., beta-carotene and niacin) are more concentrated in dried than in fresh apricots. Dried apricots also have a higher sugar content, which makes them more likely to stick on your teeth. Your dentist will remind you to brush or rinse your teeth after eating any dried fruit or sticky foods. If you’re allergic or sensitive to sulfites, remember to look on the label of the package to see if the apricots were treated with sulfur dioxide for color preservation. Look in health-food stores for apricots that were not treated with sulfites. They’ll be brown, not orange.

Dried apricot Recipes[]


  • Fruit of the Month: Apricot by the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, public domain government resource—original source of article