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 went a popular jingle not so long ago. 
 The bird flu must have scared everyone into 
 staying away from chicken eggs, 
 but it certainly doesn't mean it isn't as good for you as it was earlier. 

One large egg contains 300 micrograms of choline (in the yolk),

 also 315 milligrams of phosphatidylcholine .
  Besides having a significant effect on 
 brain function and the nervous system, choline
  also has an impact on cardiovascular health
  since it is one of the B vitamins that helps convert homocysteine, 
  a molecule that can damage blood vessels, into other benign substances. 

Eggs are also a good source of vitamin B12,

 which plays a major role in the process of converting homocysteine into safe molecules.

There are some who claim that eggs are high in cholesterol,

 and health experts in the past 
 counselled people to therefore avoid this food.

However, nutrition experts have now discovered that people

 on a low-fat diet can eat one or two eggs a day without
  measurable changes in their blood cholesterol levels. 

Eggs help in preventing blood clots and may help

  lower risk of a heart attack.
  A carotenoid thought to help prevent
  age-related macular degeneration 
 essential vitamins A, D, E, and B, 
 as well as minerals like iron, phosphorus and zinc.
  They are relatively low in saturated fat, 
 making them a healthy fast food for the entire family. 

Egging it on

~ Europe has domesticated hens since 600 BC

~ Chickens came to the New World with

  Columbus on his second trip in 1493.

~ While it is customary to throw rice at weddings in many countries,

  French brides break an egg on the threshold 
 of their new home before stepping in � for luck and healthy babies. 

~ At the time of the French Revolution,

 the clever French already knew 685 different ways of preparing eggs.

~ Hens with white feathers and ear

  lobes produce  white-shelled eggs. 
 Brown shelled eggs are produced by hens
  with red feathers and red ear lobes.
  There is no difference in nutritional levels between 
 white and brown eggs.

~ A mother hen turns over her egg about 50 times per day

  to ensure that the yolk won't stick to the sides of the shell. 

~ Eggs age more in one day at room temperature

 than in one week in the refrigerator.

~ If you accidentally drop an egg on the floor,

  sprinkle it heavily with salt for easy clean up.

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