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About Bagel[]

Wikipedia Article About Bagel on Wikipedia

The bagel (or sometimes beigel) is a bread product traditionally made of yeasted wheat dough in the form of a roughly hand-sized ring which is boiled in water and then baked. The result is a dense, chewy, doughy interior with a browned and sometimes crisp exterior.

The dough may also be flavored to produce many varieties: salt, onion, garlic, egg, tomato dill, cajun, pumpernickel, rye, sourdough, whole wheat, multigrain, cinnamon-raisin, cheese, caraway, blueberry, and muesli among others. Bagels may be topped with seeds such as poppy or sesame, which are baked onto the outer crust.

A related bread product is a bialy, which has no hole, is often onion or garlic-flavored, and is less crispy on the outside.

Cooked in boiling water, bagels are generally considered healthier than many other white bread products. They are also a surprisingly rich source if protein. However, it's easy to overlook how many calories in a bagel. With grocery bought bagels coming in around 200+ calories, store bought plain bagels can easily exceed 350 calories, with exotic types climbing quickly above 400.

Bagel Recipes[]
