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This brownie recipe was inspired by Drake & Josh, a Nickelodeon sitcom from 2004. I invented it when I was in around 4th or 5th grade.


1 tbs butter

a handful of chocolate chips

4 tbs granulated sugar

4 tbs flour

1 ts-1 tbs (depends on amount of chocolate chips) water


1. Put the butter and chocolate chips in a mug and microwave for 30 seconds or until butter is fully melted.

2. Stir the chocolate chips and butter until smooth.

3. Add the sugar and stir again.

4. Add the flour and stir yet again.

5. Add the water---the more chocolate chips you have, the less water you will need.

6. Microwave for 1 minute-1 min, 30 sec.

7. Enjoy your Fudgey-Boo!
