North African vegetable soup
- Serves 5 – 6 people.
- 6 onions
- 4 – 6 potatoes
- 1 can chickpeas
- 3 big lemons
- 1 tsp turmeric
- ¼ tsp cayenne
- lots of garlic
- 1 large eggplant, chopped and salted
- 4 – 6 tomatoes
- 2 – 3 carrots
- 1 large eggplant
- 6 or so cups water
- 2 tsp ground coriander seeds
- ½ tsp cinnamon
- salt and pepper
- ½ to 1 cup curly vermicelli (optional but traditional)
- Prepare your chickpeas in advance by soaking in lemon juice.
- You can add all the leftover juice to the soup.
- Sauté the onions, spices, and garlic in oil.
- Use enough water to cover all your ingredients.
- If you add ingredients as the soup is cooking, do the potatoes first, because they seem to take the longest.
- Simmer everything until done, garnish with chopped fresh parsley, if available.