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Peanut butter eggs[]

Butter cream eggs[]

Chocolate coating[]


Peanut butter eggs[]

  1. Mix together all ingredients.
  2. Form into small eggs.
  3. Refrigerate a short time, about ½ hour on wax paper covered cookie sheet.
  4. Dip in hot chocolate coating, using a fork.

Butter cream eggs[]

  1. Cream together cream cheese, butter and vanilla.
  2. Knead in sugar and form into eggs.
  3. Refrigerate a short time on wax paper covered cookie sheet.

Chocolate coating[]

  1. Dip into hot chocolate coating, using a fork.
  2. Chocolate coating - melt ingredients in a double boiler.
  3. Keep over heat as you the center.
  4. Candies can be kept at room temperature for 4-5 days.

For similar recipes, see Peanut Butter Balls