Name Variations[]
About Keriberry[]
The Keri berry, scientifically known as Rubus Rugosis Var. Thwaitisii, is a part of genus Rubus and Rosaceae family. The Kerri berry grows in dry climate regions and needs sandy soil to grow well. The Keri berry is a strong bush with fine thorns which have five or six main stems and grows for about two meters high if it is sustained. The pink flowers produces the berry which is generally purple to black when is ripe. Keri berry crops are available from January to July. Kerri berries have a delicious taste similar to raspberries and blackberries. The Keri berry fruit is also known in botanic as aggregate fruit because it is made of many drupelets which are developed around ovules that are fertilized by the male gamete from a pollen grain. The fruit is very sweet and jucy and it is rich in vitamin A, C , K , zinc, iron and calcium. Keriberries are usually found from January to July and they can be used for many culinary diets. Due to the fact that the fruit is juicy there are numerous natural juices made of it but there are also numerous alcoholic beverages made of keriberry such as wine, brandy and many syrups. Keriberry can also be used for preparing jams, jellies, muffins and other cooked desserts.