Contributed by Catsrecipes Y-Group
- Source: my old recipes
- Serves 10.
- 4 lbs. sweet potatoes or yams, scrubbed
- boiling salted water
- ¼ cup margarine
- 9 large marshmallows, halved
- Cook potatoes in large pot of boiling salted water about 40 minutes until tender when pierced.
- Drain.
- Cool slightly, peel and mash in large bowl.
- Stir in butter until smooth.
- Scrape into a greased shallow 2 quart casserole.
- May now be covered and refrigerated up to 2 days.
- To serve, heat oven to 375°F.
- Arrange marshmallows on top of potatoes.
- Bake 20 minutes until marshmallows puff and brown and potatoes are hot.