Pho Bo is the name of a Vietnamese soup, that contains noodle and Beef and it is known also as Beef Noodle Soup. It can be served with hoisin sauce, or chili sauce.
- 450 g flat rice noodles
- 225 g bean sprouts
- 8 shallots
- 4 tablespoons finely chopped coriander
- 225 g fillet of beef
- 1⅔ liters beef stock or canned beef consommé
- 115 g piece fresh ginger
- 2 sticks cinnamon bark
- ½ teaspoon coriander seeds
- 3 pieces star anise
- 1 teaspoon caster sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 4 teaspoons fish sauce
- Boil stock, add the ginger, cinnamon, coriander seeds and star anise.
- After 15 minutes, add the sugar, salt, pepper and fish sauce.
- Cook the noodles in water, make them al dente.
- Add bean sprouts, shallots and coriander.