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Bright red currants in the garden

About Red currant[]

A plant whose original name is Ribes rubrum, the red currant belongs to the family Grossulariacae. It growns in almost every place, having straggling stems, from three to five lobed leaves, yellowish-green flowers, with fruit in pendulous racemes. Red currants, as well as white currants are said to be the best. This plan tis important or its fruits, especially for the juice and it grows in United States, Central and Northern Europe, Siberia and Canada. The fruits of this plant are used particularly in tarts while the juice is a pleasant acid in punch and used to be an adored ingredient in the coffee-houses from Paris, the place where the sweetened juice is still preferred as a beverage, to syrup of almonds and it contains malic acid, citric acid, sugar, vegetable jelly and jam. Furthermore, the juice of this plant is a real refrigerant, aperient and antiscorbutic, being a refreshing drink in fever. If one thinks about jelly he should know that it acts as an anti-putrescent; as for the wine produced from white red currants, this plays a crucial role in calculous affections.

Red currant Recipes[]
