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Sugar snap

Name Variations[]

  • snap pea
  • sugarpea
  • sugar snap pea

About Sugar snap[]

Wikipedia Article About Snap Pea on Wikipedia

Snap peas are a Cultivar Group of edible-podded peas that differ from snow peas in that their pods are round as opposed to flat. An edible-podded pea is similar to a normal pea, but the pod is less fibrous, and edible when young. Pods of the edible-podded pea, including snap peas, do not have a membrane and do not open when ripe. At maturity, the pods grow to around 4-8 cm in length.

There are several cultivars of snap peas, including 'Sugar Rae', 'Sugar Bon', 'Sugar Ann', and 'Sugar Snap'. The plants are climbing, and pea sticks or a trellis or other support system is required for optimal growth; they are capable of climbing to 2 m high but are more commonly grown to around 1-1.3 m for ease of harvest. The snap pea is a cool season vegetable, and can tolerate light frost when young; it also has a wider adaptation and tolerance of higher temperatures than some other pea cultivars.

The soft and tender pods of snap peas are crisp, sweet, and succulent, often served in salads or eaten whole. Also, they may be stir-fried or steamed. Before being eaten, snap pea pods may need to be "stringed", which means the membranous string running along the top of the pod from base to tip is removed. Over-cooking the pods will make them come apart. To avoid this, they should only be lightly steamed, or gently fried in oil. Snap pea pods may be frozen, but never canned as the high temperatures are damaging.

Snap peas are nutritious and filling, yet not as high in total carbohydrates and fats as normal peas. The pods themselves contribute mostly water and vitamins to the consumer.

Sugar snap Recipes[]
