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When i was a little girl, my Mom had a good friend named Greta, who would make this for us. I've never tried it on my own, Though. i Might. Enjoy.




  1. Pound veal gently to an even ⅛ inch thickness.
  2. Combine flour, salt and pepper
  3. Dip veal scallops in flour, then eggs and bread crumbs.
  4. Melt butter in large skillet until very hot; fry veal scallops, a few at a time, until golden brown.
  5. Remove veal scallops to a heated platter.
  6. Add lemon juice to pan drippings; Cool for 2 to 3 minutes. oour over veal scallops and garnish with lemon slices.


  1. Combine eggs and milk; Stir in flour, salt and nutmeg. Beating until smooth.
  2. Drop dough by teaspoons into nutmeg, beating until smooth.
  3. Drop dough by teaspoons into boiling water (or pass dough through colander);
  4. Boil for 2 to 3 minutes.
  5. Drain and toss with butter or melt butter in skillet and gently fry spaetzle until brown, about 3 to 4 minutes.