Sufficient for ninety cookies.
- 2 cupfuls sugar
- 1 cupful Crisco
- ½ cupful thick sour milk
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoonful baking soda
- 1 teaspoonful salt
- 1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
- ½ teaspoonful lemon extract
- 5 cups flour (or so)
- First cream Crisco and sugar together, add eggs well beaten, soda mixed with sour milk, salt, extracts, and about 5 cupfuls flour.
- Roll very thin, cut with cookie cutter, lay on Criscoed tins, bake in moderately hot oven five minutes.
- To keep any length of time, when cold, place in covered tin cans and set in cool place, and they will be as crisp as when first baked.